UPDATED: Added the Garmin info for the two days and PHOTOS.


So the internet here at the hotel isn’t great for uploading. I can read pages just fine. I wanted to upload some images and a video, but we are in the middle of the countryside and the connection isn’t strong enough to put up with me bashing kb at it. As well as all the other iPads in the group begging for bandwidth.

We did a double climb yesterday and my knee decided it had enough of the monster gear I was pushing. So we stopped in a bigger town and I found a 12-29 cassette. I was running an 11-25, so I’ll have two easier gears to push the next several days. And it’s a good thing, since we have a couple really big days coming up. The weather has been cool, cloudy and misty at times. Kind of a “Seattle Sunshine.” But it’s been pleasant enough to still suffer away and only think about the pitch of the road. Oh, and still lots of slugs, snails and other invertebrates that turn into Gorilla Glue on your bike or shoes.

I had a great birthday today. In addition to the easier gearing (especially thanks to Lloyd for helping install it all) we just did an easy 31 mile spin in a loop around the local countryside with an accidental spur of a climb, and found a very cool cathedral/church on this overlook that was built in the 12th century. Kristin had a rough go of it today though. She wasted herself pretty good yesterday on the Peyresourde keeping up with all the boys on the single-bikes. Hopefully she’s eaten enough today and we’ll get some sleep tonight in a familiar bed since it’s a second night here at this hotel. I’d put the name in, but it’s long and I’m tired too.

So have a look at the Instagram feed on the homepage for anything really fresh for now. We’re here for another night and then we move on.

Well, that’s all I can do for now. Off to bed.

